Mah-Ann Mendoza  &  Tonia Williams

One of the highlights of this competition was                                          
the showdown between two of the Northwest's                                         
best, and what a privilege to have witnessed it.                                        
In the end the veteran Mah-Ann held off the                                         
challenge of the ever-improving Tonia to go on                                          
and capture the overall crown. You can find                                          
out more about these athletes at their                                          
respective web sites:                                             


One thing both these competitors have in common is winning
the NPC Northwest Bodybuilding Championships. This year's
is coming up on September 22 in Portland, Oregon. Perhaps
we'll discover the next Mah-Ann or Tonia? Always a show
worth attending and entering. Check it out below:

(click thumbnail to enlarge)

Mah-Ann Mendoza - 1st Place & Overall
Definitely the look of a pro - muscle thickness
and definition worthy of the next level.

Tonia Williams - 2nd Place
An amazing transformation over the years (see Main Galleries)
and peaked my interest in covering this show. Thanks Tonia!
